BIG NEWS! New diagnostic codes for those living with LGMD that match their diagnosis are likely on their way!

Coalition to Cure Calpain 3 has been working with Muscular Dystrophy Association and other LGMD foundations, patients, and expert physicians to develop diagnostic codes specific to LGMD. Currently, anyone diagnosed with LGMD is classified using “Other Muscular Dystrophy” as the diagnostic code in their medical records. The new codes, which will likely be finalized in June and implemented in October, assign a specific LGMD diagnostic code. Further, some subtypes including LGMD2A/R1 will receive a subtype-specific code.
Why is this important? Disease-specific codes can lead to significant benefits such as shortening the diagnosis timeline patients face, delivering precise medical care, improving clinical trials, and ensuring access to future treatments. Read more here:
Coalition to Cure Calpain 3 thanks the many members of our community who made a difference by signing our petition. We couldn’t have done this without you!